Project Cry No More

About Us

Remembering the Birth

Project Cry No More  (PCNM) the brainchild of Vicky D. Lindsey was created in 1988 but it sat doormat for many years after Vicky co-founded and participated with other community organizations. PCNM was not originally founded as a support group for murdered victims’ loved ones. It’s purpose at that time was to help bring calm and peace to our war-torn violence-infested-infected communities but after the murder of Vicky’s 19 year old son, Lionel E.L. Whiteside, and the separation from the other organizations (several co-founded by Vicky), she decided to bring back to life PCNM  but with a different main focus of supporting murdered victims’ loved ones but with still the original focus intact.


 What  We  Do

We provide educational seminars, trainings and workshops on sensitivity reality for the public on ways to help the community leaders, political leaders, educators, healthcare providers, and others on how to become more effective in providing the needs of murdered victims’ loved ones.

  • We offer weekly support group meetings for murdered victims’ loved ones, as well as one on one support  as needed.

  • We offer as needed counseling with licensed therapists for murdered victims’ loved ones.

  • We assist families through the victims rights process.

  • We do our best to assist with burial expenses as much as possible.

  • We refer to the agencies that are best for the individual’s needs

  • Educate the community about how to empower themselves                                                                                    

  • Educate the community on how to not fall victim of violence                                                                                    

  • Offer resolutions concerning social issues that have an impact on homicide, i.e. drugs, poverty & gang activity.    

  • Work closely with Prevention, Intervention, Re-Entry, Clergy programs, as well as with Law Enforcement programs  and other community agencies

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